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LGD-4033, otherwise known as Ligandrol Sarm (Stenabolic), selectively targets the androgen receptors in muscle and bone. It is considered the most powerful muscle builder of the entire SARMS range as well as creating drastic increases in strength and power.
Product Details
Each product contains 5mg x 50 Tablets. Recommended dose 7.5mg – 15mg per day for 6 – 8 weeks.
LGD-4033 for sale, also known as Ligandrol, is a 3rd generation non-steroidal oral SARM with a high affinity for the androgen receptor (Ki of ~1 nM). It is currently the second most popular SARM on the market. Unlike testosterone which exerts anabolic effects by the same pathway, LGD-4033 has high selectivity for receptors in skeletal muscle, bone, and connective tissue, with minimal affinity for receptors in the prostate, scalp and skin. It was developed by Ligand Pharmaceuticals to treat conditions such as muscle wasting and osteoporosis without the virilizing side effects of anabolic steroids [1]. LGD 4033 is considered by many researchers to be the best sarm for bulking up and producing lean body mass. Sports Technology Labs is the best place to buy LGD-4033 online.lgd-4033 for sale
Preclinical primate data showed a significant dose-dependent increase in lean body mass for male and female monkeys during 13 weeks of dosing at either 0.6, 3, 15, or 75 MG/KG of bodyweight [1]. In addition to this, 70% of the increased body mass was retained after a 4 week recovery period. Only the 75mg/kg group stopped treatment after 48 days due to toxicity [1]. This dose is significantly higher than the highest dose administered in human clinical trials (0.5, 1, and 2mg administered to humans respectively) lgd-4033 for sale
A Phase 1 clinical trial with 76 adult male humans orally administered LGD-4033 at varying doses showed a dose-dependent increase in lean body mass and was well tolerated by all 76 subjects for 21 days [1,2]. Phase 2 clinical trials consisted of 120 patients recovering from hip fracture surgery. The participants either received a placebo, 0.5, 1, or 2mg LGD-4033 over 12 weeks [3]. All doses of LGD-4033 created significant increases in total lean body mass and subjects exhibited dose dependent decreases in mean fat mass. Patients administered LGD-4033 showed improvements in serum procollagen type 1 propeptide (s-P1NP), a marker of bone anabolism, and improvements in 6-minute walk distance as compared to placebo. No significant adverse effects were reported in any of the study groups [3]. Patients were assessed 12 weeks after completion of the trial, at which they maintained the muscle mass that they had gained from the dru lgd-4033 for sale
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